back to school guide



please note that school for all students begins promptly at 8:00am

  • Students in Early Childhood can wait with parents, guardians, and/or caregivers in the reception area until the bell rings at 7:50am, when they will be permitted to proceed to their classrooms.

    Students in Grade School can be dropped off at the curb on Foster, and can wait in the reception area until the bell rings at 7:50am,when they can proceed up the stairs to their classrooms.

    Students in High School can enter the school building and wait in first floor lounge areas until the bell rings at 7:50am. when they can proceed up the stairs to their classrooms.

  • Drive west on Foster Ave; as you pass the school building, line up single file in the curbside lane and wait for a faculty or staff member to open the car door.

    Do not cut in line, double-park, or drop-off across the street (Foster Ave south side).

    Do not stand in the bus lane.

    Do not block the turn at the Ashland/Foster intersection. Buses will not be able to pass. Please wait at the Ashland light until there is space for your car in the Foster Ave line.

    Students are to enter the building through the Foster Ave gate only.

    Students who are late will also enter through the Foster Ave gate and must then check in at reception.

  • 12pm pick-up: Please park legally on Foster Ave, on Paulina Ave., or on Farragut Ave. and walk into the Nora's Sun and Moon Park to pick-up your child.

    3pm pick-up: Please park legally on Foster Ave, on Paulina Ave., or on Farragut Ave. and pick up your child in their classroom.

  • Drive west on Foster Ave, pull up all the way to the car in front of you, line up single file, and wait in your car for your child to be called.

    There will be two faculty and staff members outside, calling students and assisting them into their cars.

    Students will be sitting/standing with their class on the black top and will be waiting to be called by a faculty or staff member to be picked-up.

    High School students are dismissed at 3:15 pm. Please keep this in mind when making carpool arrangements. 7th-12th grade students are responsible for departing school on their own.

after school activities & back to school forms

Before the first day of school, please review and fill out the following:

  • Student Health Forms: Here you will find the health forms required by the school for each child.

  • Aftercare Form: If you would like to register your child for Aftercare, fill out this form.

  • Athletic Form: An annual form required for participation in our Athletics programming.

We also invite you to review our All-School Handbook, where you can find all of the information you need to start the new school year. You can find it below, or on your Resource Board on the Portal.